Functional Movement Systems

   Your Journey to Movement Starts Here!



What is the Functional Movement Systems: 

 The Functional Movement Systems screens and evaluates movement patterns using four screening tools: FMS, SFMA, FCS, and YBT. These screens allow us to see how an individual is moving in everyday life. For individuals who are not in pain, Functional Movement Screen (FMS) identifies movement patterns that support work, sports, and daily activities. It evaluates and scores seven basic movement patterns of everyday life. For those who are in pain, the Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) evaluates mobility, stability and motor control dysfunctions. For athletes, the Fundamental Capacity Screen (FCS) evaluates athletic capacities.  Finally, the Y Balance Test (YBT) assesses motor control and functional symmetry, testing how the core and each extremity function under bodyweight loads.  Corrective exercise prescriptions emerge from each of the screening results. Let’s look further at each of the four screen types.


The Functional Movement System has several components:

  1. FMS: The Functional Movement Screen evaluates seven fundamental movement patterns in individuals with no current pain complaints or musculoskeletal injuries. The screen places people in extreme positions where movement problems become noticeable if they lack stability and mobility. Even though someone performs an activity or sport at a high level, often they are deficient in a fundamental movement. This leads to compensating movements to achieve their high level of performance. Unfortunately, this inefficient compensation movement will lead to poor biomechanics that limit gains in performance. It also reduces the body’s ability to remain adaptable and durable against injuries.
  2. SFMA: The Selective Functional Movement Assessment (SFMA) classifies movement patterns, identifies regions for further examination, and ultimately, directs manual therapies and exercise plans. It simply creates a more pattern-specific perspective of how each individual patient moves in relationship to their anatomical information and their medical diagnosis.
  3. FCS: The Fundamental Capacity Screen (FCS) approaches fitness testing with the aim of starting individuals and athletes on the most efficient path to optimal performance. (FCS) tests four key components of athletic capacity and identifies issues affecting an individual's ability to:
    • Produce Power
    • Store and Reuse Energy
    • Maintain Posture Under Load
    • Control Balance
  4. YBT: The Y Balance Test (YBT) easily tests motor control and functional symmetry. The Y Balance Test quarters the body and evaluates how the core and each extremity functions under body weight loads. The Y Balance Test Protocol emerged from years of research in injury prevention and identification of motor control changes that occur after injury. This protocol is highly accurate for measuring pre and post rehabilitation performance, improvement after performance enhancement programs, dynamic balance for fitness programs, and return to sport readiness.


What can Functional Movement Systems do for me? 

 Everybody loses abilities to move their body as they go through life. Injuries especially cause this loss, but also bad posture habits and other poor movement habits. The body is a compensating master. This means we compensate for one lost motion with another one. When this is done over and over, some serious dysfunctional movement patterns emerge. We may not notice this because we’ve been doing it that way for a long time. The screens in Functional Movement Systems quickly identify lost movement abilities. This allows you to begin proper corrections of those lost movements. You will move better, feel better, live better.

Who should use Functional Movement Systems? 

Nearly everyone could benefit, some more than others depending on their situation. As we age, we add up a lot of injuries affecting our movement that may not have been properly handled. Even youth get injuries and often simply heal up without noticing their movement patterns changing. We all compensate for lost movements and create our own dysfunctional movements. Also, anyone who wants to increase their athletic performance can do so by finding dysfunctional patterns and correcting them. If you are older and want to engage in social sports like golf, tennis, pickleball, etc., you can benefit by screening for dysfunctional movements to correct them.

What can I expect?

After an initial examination, you will be screened using FMS. This includes a series of positions and movements that Dr. Atkinson will precisely measure. A score will emerge from this process, and she will find your dysfunctions. Then she will give you corrective exercises specifically for your dysfunctional movements. If you need further screens (SFMA, FCS, or YBT) for specific needs those will be scheduled. A rescreening will occur later to assess progress.

How do I know which of the four different screens is for me?

Everyone could benefit from FMS or SFMA, depending on whether they are in pain or not. Dr. Atkinson will determine from either of these baseline screens whether other screens are appropriate.

Dr. Atkinson is Certified in all of the Functional Movement Systems:

  1. SFMA :  Selective Functional Movement Assessment I, Certified
  2. SFMA2: Selective Functional Movement Assessment II, Certified
  3. FMS1: Functional Movement Screen I, Certified
  4. FMS2: Functional Movement Screen II, Certified
  5. FCS: Functional Capacity System, Certified
  6. YBT: Y-Balance Testing, Certified

Call (919) 439-2539 to schedule your first appointment today to see how we can help you move better!


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